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How to Keep Your Wig From Slipping: Best Tips for a Secure Fit

Wigs provide a quick and easy way to achieve glamorous hair while concealing hair loss. However, it’s hard to enjoy your day when your wig is sliding in every direction. Join us as we explore the reasons why your wig is falling and give tips on how to keep your wig from slipping. 

Why Does Your Wig Keep Slipping?

Your Wig Is in the Wrong Spot.

Improper placement can also contribute to a wig slipping. If the wig is not sitting at your natural hairline, it may fall out of place.

You Don’t Have the Right Size.
If you measured your head incorrectly or purchased the wrong cap size, your wig may not fit properly. Wigs that are too small will slip back while wigs that are too big will slip forward.

Your Wig Has the Wrong Adjustments. 
After checking your head measurements and your wig’s placement, see if your wig needs to be adjusted. Most wigs come with adjusters that allow you to customize the fit. 

Bio Hair Isn’t Wrapped Properly.  
One of the benefits of wigs is that they can be worn over your natural hair. However, if your hair isn’t wrapped neatly and lying flat, it creates an uneven surface for your wig, causing it to slide.

How to Prevent Your Wig From Slipping

Use the 4 Finger Rule.

For a proper fit, ensure your wig rests at your natural hairline. If you’re experiencing hair loss or don’t have a visible hairline, use the four-finger method to find the correct placement:

     - Place your hand on your crown and point your fingers toward the forehead.

     - With your other hand, place the palm in front of your nose. (Your fingers should be pointing straight up.)
     - Wherever your fingertips touch is where your natural hairline should be. 
Please Note: Since forehead sizes vary, test this method in front of a mirror to determine the best wig placement. 

Double Check Your Measurements.

Having the right size ensures a secure fit. Before buying a wig, measure your head to determine your cap size: petite, petite-average, average, average-large, or large. Your wig should have a snug but comfortable fit without sliding. 

Customize the fit with the adjusters. 
Most wig caps have adjusters in the nape, including adjustable tabs, Velcro straps, or hooks. Adjust your wig until you find the perfect fit.

Wear a Wig Cap.

If you have bio hair, tucking it under a wig cap is key to achieving a realistic appearance and keeping your wig in place. Additionally, a wig cap protects your scalp from irritation and discomfort.

Wrap Your Hair. 
Wrapping your bio hair correctly helps create a flat and stable foundation for your wig, preventing lumps and wig “bubbling.”

     - If you have long hair, braid it in at least two sections and secure it with bobby pins.
     - If you have shorter hair, slick it back with leave-in conditioner. Then, wrap the hair in the back and secure it with bobby pins before tucking it under a wig cap.

Invest in a Wig Grip. 
A wig grip or band keeps your wig securely on your head. Use Amy Gibson’s WigSecure or Beautimark’s wig band to keep your wig from slipping. 

Use Wig Tape or Adhesive.
Another method is wig tape or adhesive. These products prevent slippage by creating a strong bond between your scalp and wig. Please Note: Choose a product that is safe to use and follow application instructions carefully. 

Secure with Bobby Pins or Clips. 
Anchor your wig with bobby pins or clips. Place them discreetly near the hairline for extra security.

Final Thoughts

Keeping your wig secure is essential for both comfort and confidence. By learning the common reasons wigs slip, you can take the necessary steps to prevent it. Wearing the right size, adjusting your wig properly, and using adhesive can all help to keep your wig from slipping. With our best wig security tips in mind, now you can enjoy your day knowing your wig will stay in place all day long.